Hello & Welcome! I’m Anja.

… is an affordable crypto mentorship for regular people with no financial or technical background, who want to learn about bitcoin, blockchain and Web3 in jargon-free language. Over 80% of my followers are women.
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As a paid subscriber you get instant access to:
Audio & Kindle book: What is Bitcoin and why should I care? To give you a quick and jargon-free introduction to the whole purpose of Bitcoin.
A Receiving Meditation - To support you in creating a more positive relationship with money
Workshop “7+ Ways to Earn Crypto You Never Heard Of” and many other tutorials and guides
My stress-free trading strategy - so you can minimise your risk & stress right from the start (most people don’t do this and never really profit)
Tips & tricks on how to land a job in Web3
…and loads more classes, tutorials and direct access to me whenever you have questions.
What is Financial Freedom 3.0?
3.0 is a reference to "Web 3.0", which is the decentralised web based on blockchain technology, where we have more power and control over our own data and money, and can send and store actual value on the internet.
With Financial Freedom 3.0 I am referring to you holding your crypto assets in your own possession - in a wallet that you, and only you, have the keys to.
See, as long as you keep your savings in a bank or any other third party - you can never be truly financially independent. Because that third party ultimately has control over your funds, and they have the power to freeze those funds and keep you from accessing them.
No matter how rich you are, as long as another party has this kind of power over your funds and can simply take them away from you, you are not truly financially independent. Bitcoin is censorship-free money.
What can I do with Web3?
This third generation of the Web is still being built. It’s here, but not very visible to the mainstream yet. I have been using and financially benefiting from it since 2017.
There are plenty of way to financially and personally benefit from Web3:
You can start using free Web3 apps (risk-free), which allow you to use the internet in a more private way and/or which pay you for things that you do anyway (like walking, googling, online shopping, listening to podcasts, etc. Yes, seriously! Once you understand how Web3 is based on aligned incentives, this will make sense to you.)
You can invest in bitcoin and other projects that are building the Web 3.0 (higher risk) and you can earn interest on your investments
You can move your career into Web3 (extremely beneficial for your future income)
Who will be here with me?
The majority of my followers have no financial or technical background, therefore we speak non-techy and non-bankish language here.
Around 80% of my readers are women. Many readers would say about themselves that,
They are slightly older than millennials
Taking care of their finances and becoming investors has only recently become more important to them
They consider themselves to be spiritual, interested in consciousness and actively creating their own reality and well-being
They know that something is wrong with our financial system as well as governance systems. Learning about new possibilities and being able to co-create alternative system through their participation gives them hope.
Anyone is welcome, of course.
What is your definition of Financial Freedom?
Everyone wants it, but have you ever stopped to think what would make you feel truly financially free? To me, Financial Freedom is this:
To have the freedom to choose what I invest my time in.
Financial Freedom to me is Financial Independence. I want my income to be independent from what I do with my time. Time is our most precious commodity in life, and I want everyone to be able to invest their precious time in what they truly want to, rather than having to sell it for money in order to "make a living".
Financial Freedom, ultimately, is to have the freedom to say No to the things we are not meant to do.
I go into a lot more detail in my article What is Financial Freedom 3.0? which you can read here.
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Be part of a community of people who share your interest of improving not only your own financial future meaningfully and sustainably, but everyone else’s too - through the power of new Web3 technologies and a superior kind of money.